Solutions by Industries

Photo by Shane McLendon on Unsplash

Photo by Dominik Vanyi on Unsplash

Photo by Dominik Vanyi on Unsplash

Photo by Nicolas Tissot on Unsplash

Photo by Stefan Gessert on Unsplash

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

Photo by Ivan Bandura on Unsplash

Photo by Ivan Bandura on Unsplash

Photo by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash

Photo by Sylwia Bartyzel on Unsplash

Photo by Alex Bagirov on Unsplash
Photo by Jamar Penny on Unsplash

Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Photo by Hannah Wright on Unsplash

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

Photo by Mat Reding on Unsplash

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Photo by Liviu Florescu on Unsplash

The LiDAR America airborne laser is the best method to carry out topographic surveys of large areas in a short time.
LiDAR America has revolutionized productivity and precision in topographic work, reducing survey costs and information processing times, to deliver expeditious and accurate information to the client for quick and better decision making.
LiDAR surveying and digital imaging can support studies for mineral exploration projects. Laser Airborne Topography (LiDAR) can efficiently cover large and remote areas to assess regional geomorphology and thus support mineral exploration. LiDAR can effectively penetrate vegetation, allowing digital terrain models to be generated, these digital terrain models are used to identify surface features of geological areas that are not visible with traditional photography methods. Detailed topographic data obtained by LiDAR studies can help guide field operations, making them more efficient and reducing environmental impact risks.
New mines and expansion projects need timely and detailed topographic information to calculate costs and accurately plan the engineering and construction phase of the mine. Our LiDAR data can give relative accuracies around 7cm, which is very valuable in mine planning projects.
The EM (Electromagnetic) survey consists of the measurement of the electromagnetic resistivity of the physical components of the earth by means of VLF stations which provide quantitative information about the subsoil, which allows mapping structures and bodies whose physical properties are related to electromagnetism. , facilitating the location of the phreatic level, readings of ground stratigraphy and freshwater intrusion.
The images derived from the topographic and bathymetric studies by remote sensors allow to identify and evaluate the state of the ecosystems; and to follow up and monitor the natural or anthropic changes to which they are subjected, including deforestation, the incidence of fires, erosion and changes in land use, identify and quantify the extension of ecosystems with different levels of detail.
On the other hand, thanks to our infrared sensors, biophysical parameters are measured that generate information on the vigor, humidity and phenological state of the vegetation (example: vegetation indices, leaf area index, etc.). These parameters are very useful to identify the type and state of ecosystems and vegetation cover, even specific investigations have been carried out to identify species or to make estimates of biodiversity. On the other hand, the composition of the atmosphere and topographic information that contribute to the study of ecosystems can be analyzed.
Urban Development
The use of airborne sensors and bathymetrics makes it possible to carry out the inventory, assessment and monitoring of the infrastructure that offers services to human populations, including network systems (power transmission systems, aqueduct, oil pipelines, among others). Likewise, it is possible to carry out analyzes to determine the best location and optimal installation routes for new infrastructure, as well as to understand population dynamics, flows, migrations, and propose management measures.
Thanks to LiDAR, Archeology can be more effective, with digital models of areas to study, the existence of ruins can be predicted as shown in the images.
The LiDAR system can penetrate dense vegetation to generate digital terrain models, with these models we can show the structures that deform the surface, with this excavation work is carried out in areas with high potential, making the operation less expensive.
The 3D digitization of archaeological cities can also be generated for further study.
Cartography is the applied science that is responsible for gathering, making and analyzing measurements and data from regions of the Earth, thanks to LiDAR technology we can obtain very precise data and generate a very detailed representation of the elements.
Environmental / Forestry
LiDAR technology is widely accepted within the forestry sector, thanks to the advantage of being able to measure the elevation of the terrain and the elevation of the upper part of the vegetation simultaneously, which allows to directly obtain the height of the vegetation, even in areas of dense vegetation, where with the use of optical sensors it is not possible to have a direct view of the terrain, thereby generating a view of the structure of the vegetation in 3 dimensions.
When existing cartography, a higher precision DTM, the structure of the forest in three dimensions and GIS tools are combined, a powerful tool for analyzing the forest structure is achieved, and therefore the interpretation of multiple silvicultural parameters in an automated way, which translates into greater speed and lower economic cost
The uses of LiDAR in Agriculture have been diverse. All civil construction or agricultural engineering works, call it a reservoir for irrigation, for a source of water for the field, water distribution schemes for the field in intensive wintering systems, surface and pressure irrigation systems, plantations of fruit trees, vineyards, etc., should be started with a topographic map where these activities will be carried out.
The topographic chart is the starting point, where information on soils, flooding of the different areas, existing constructions, existing accesses and the planning of new ones, the leveling of lands among others or possible areas of risk of flooding due to high rainfall.
This is done through the generation of digital terrain and elevation models with which the study can be carried out in depth. The hyperspectral images of the growing area allow to know the state of health of plants.
Thanks to the different remote exploration sensors, such as LiDAR, Magnetometer, Electromagnetic VLF, etc. more complete studies can be done that help the construction to have several studies in one place.
LiDAR America through the orthophoto (orthoimage) and the LiDAR system generates digital models of the cities and allows the Cadastral modernization to improve the functioning of the municipal cadastres and thus generate the opportunity of its application in the performance of the different areas and actions government in promoting the activities of the productive sector. And at the same time improve the collection of taxes related to real estate. With the use of the highest technology carried out a single lidar flight over an urban environment, we can process the data obtained to detect the Height of each building, the marginal constructions, land uses, construction planning according to the terrain relief, detect the vegetation and create digital terrain models with buildings or by separating the infrastructure from the terrain (bare terrain). To obtain the most complete information for the study and / or planning of any city in the shortest time and cost possible.
Power Lines
The geospatial information that LiDAR provides helps with the maintenance and integrity of the electrical infrastructure. The combination of LiDAR and digital orthophotos is a vital tool in detecting potential Right-of-Way problems. These problems can include rusted towers, excessively sloped wooden posts, or even downed cables.
Generally, risk areas are difficult to access with traditional methods, making regular line checks difficult to perform. Using our equipment allows you to review all your lines with greater ease and efficiency. Identifying problem areas enables crews to dispatch only to critical sites for critical adjustments and repairs quickly.
The hyperspectral survey of existing gas and oil pipelines allows the control of leaks, preventive maintenance and control of environmental pollutants.
In addition to exploration applications, the combination of Airborne Laser Topography (LiDAR) and digital and hyperspectral imaging can be used for the planning and design of infrastructure related to oil and gas extraction and processing.
Environmental Impact
Survey for environmental impact studies such as:
Flood zones, Study of ravines, Study of coastal zones, Prediction of landslides, Control of dune movements, Calculation of forest mass, Vegetation heights, Studies of deforestation, Conservation, Fuel models or Prediction of forest fires.
To formulate projects for the socioeconomic development of a hydrographic basin, its study must be previously undertaken considering it as a natural region.
That is why an association of the flows must first be made because in order to study hydrography it is necessary to study the slopes and basins.
Geothermal energy is a renewable energy that is obtained by taking advantage of the heat from the interior of the Earth that is transmitted through hot rock bodies or conduction and convection, where processes of interaction of groundwater and rocks are raised, giving origin to geothermal systems.
Subsoil Exploration
Subsoil exploration is the process of identifying the depositional layers that underlie a structure and their physical characteristics.
Our remote magnetometric and electric resistivity sensors help us get a general representation of the subsurface before drilling.
Part of applied geology that studies the composition and properties of the most superficial area of ​​the earth's crust, for the seat of all kinds of constructions and public works.
Slope Stability
The field of slope stability studies the stability or possible instability of a slope when carrying out a project, or carrying out a civil engineering construction work, being an aspect directly related to geological-geotechnical engineering.